"[SC Object Guid] is null or empty" i simple runbook


I'm trying to make my first simple runbook and have
followed this excellent video guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox_DX04DlXc&list=PL2U54Yj_-iQOKhDkhdmRlyVP6usfEIiJ1&index=2
and have done everything exactly as described in the video - the runbook can be
seen at 27:30 in the video.

I've got the Activity GUID just as described in the
video but when I try to get the service request guid based on the
runbook activity guid I get nothing and the error says: [SC Object Guid]
is null or empty.

I have tried to create different runbooks but the
result is just the same. I am not capable in getting the service request GUID.

Permissions should be just fine.

Any ideas?



December 13th, 2014 12:01am


Thanks for the response.

It turned out to be one of those stupid failures caused by the one who configured the connector in orchestrator (me).

Somehow I had set the orchestrator to connect to our Datawarehouse management server instead of the Service Manager Management server - dooouhg.

When set to the correct server everything works as expected J


  • Marked as answer by Mikkel Madsen Friday, January 23, 2015 7:58 AM
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January 23rd, 2015 10:58am

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